Friday, June 22, 2012



Gaudy Grasshopper
(Zonocerus elegans)

Pyrgomorphoidae is a super-family of grasshoppers in the order Orthoptera, commonly known as the gaudy grasshoppers, which contains 29 genera and at least 70 species and subspecies. This beautifully coloured grasshopper can be found throughout southern and even central Africa. It is named for its spectacular colouration and is poisonous, as are most of South Africa's colourful grasshoppers. 

Even though it is poisonous - because of a diet that consists of poisonous plants - and tastes bad, it is apparently eaten by the Pedi tribe, with putu (maize porridge).

Growing vegetables, herbs and roses at home means that in the summer months the gardens are often 'invaded' by these grasshoppers and, along with all sources researched, we have to agree that it can be a total pest. It does severe damage to crops and even the roses and other ornamental flowers suffer the same fate. 

Once these grasshoppers have moved through the veld or gardens, none of the livestock will feed in the same place. This  is possibly due to the foul-smelling yellow substance they secrete, that actually stains the skin or clothing it comes into contact with.

When caught they do not struggle or flee but seem as fascinated by us as we are with them, as can be seen in the photograph showing the distinctive colours on the face of this specimen 'perched' unperturbed on my hand.

What's That Bug website -  Eric Eaton (2006)
Field Guide to Insects of SA - Mike Picker, Charles Griffiths and Alan Weaving

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